Cofamedia Blog

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  • January 2, 2011

Share: voted one of the best sites 2010

The mailman delivered an interesting book last week – The CSS Awards Book

The book lists 365 of the top web designs from 2010 and Cofa Media was represented in October 28, 2010.

design awards

Needless to say, we are super stoked that we are part of that list. The usual suspects made this project happen and we want to acknowledge their great work, which is why our team is one of the best!

Creative and Art direction: Martijn Lap, Amsterdam The Netherlands – Some say that he looks like Vincent van Gogh and maybe that is why is a creative genius.

Creative and Web Design: Ivan Krstic, Belgrade Serbia – What else can I say about this guy, other than his work is out of this world.

Development: Sanja Soltic, Belgrade Serbia – She is an HTML wizz and loves to code and actually likes to work with designers.

SEO: Milan Ajdinovic, Belgrade Serbia – Mr. SEO, he would be hired by google if he lived here in the states.

UX: Mary Salvatera, San Diego USA – She simply loves technology and UX, it is her passion, her life … that’s what she does.

The rest of the team:

The Corporate Guys: Nikola and Edwin – Well these guys just make sure that the team get’s paid.

Needless to say, I shocked everyone by saying that I wanted something even bigger, better for 2011, but as Nikola always says: “We will see…”

cofa design awards

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